This consultation program was organized to inform and sensitize to the participants and guests regarding the context of Dalit movement in Nepal and it’s initiations towards rights of Dalit, dignity and democracy, conduct the discourse among the diaspora communities, and to create the pressure at the international level to ensure the rights of Dalit and end caste based discrimination.
The program was formally inaugurated by His Excellency Mr. Scott H. DeLisi, former American Ambassador to Nepal. The program was chaired by Tirtha Bishwakarma president of Global Forum. The session was facilitated by Mr. Amrit Bishwakarma, Treasurer of Global Forum and welcome speech and objective highlighted by Arjun Bagale, Executive board member of Global Forum. The program was conducted on two sessions.
All speakers focused on the role of government, political party and civil society to eliminate the caste based discriminating in the society. They added that diaspora community also can play important role to contribute for the elimination of caste based discrimination. As a chief guest, His Excellency Mr. Scott Delisi-Former American Ambassador to Nepal, Dr. Man Bahadur BK, Joint Secretary-Government of Nepal, Mr./Ms. Ivania Rivera, Commissioner-Aurora Immigrant and Refugee Commission, Aurora Municipality, Colorado, Mr. Padam Bishwokarma, President-INLS, Dr. Ramesh Sunar, Intellectual delivered remarkable speech in the program. Likewise, Mr Binod Tripathy, General Secretary-Rocky Mountain Friends of Nepal, Colorado, Dr. Drona Rasali who currently resides in Canada presented memoire of Sharpeville incident as a historic event against racial discrimination. Dr Ramesh Sunar also provided his views on the issue of caste based discrimination. There was question and answer sessions where participant raised their views and questions after the presentation.
It was a good opportunity for organizing such consultation program on the occasion of 52 international days for the elimination of racial discrimination. This program played vital role to sensitize participants and informed regarding the context and issues of caste based discrimination and untouchability particularly in Nepal and South Asia. Global forum became successful to draw the attention of chief guest, guest and Nepali diaspora communities and institutions those who are working in USA particularly in Colorado for getting their solidarity and support on the elimination of caste based discrimination in Nepal. This program encouraged Global Forum to have such program in getting solidarity and cooperation from international community, diaspora community and local institution and media people in coming days.