On the occasion of 53rd International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination Global Forum is organized an interaction program on “International legal provisions to eliminaten caste- based discrimination” in Colorado, Hotel Yak and Yati, USA. The main objective of that program was to sensitize and bring together local organizations regarding the international provision on caste- based discrimination. Program was chaired by Tirtha Biswokarma president of Global Forum and facilitated by Amber Hajariya secretary of Global Forum. Mr. Amrit Bishwakaram welcomed all guests. Mr. Gambetta Richardo head of the International Refugee and Immigration city of Aurora addressed some issues of racial discrimination and cased based discrimination among immigration community. Mr Arjun Bagale from Global Forum presented the international Legal provision for the elimination of caste based discrimination. Mani Dahal Manager of Sustainable development of African community Center, Deepak Sunuwar from Rocky Mountain friends of Nepal, Narayan Sherestha-Nepali Ghar, Pawan Bishwakarma Nepali student Association CU boulder, Chandraman Gurung, DEE Colorado, Shyam Sherestha-INLS Colorado, Yamuna KC from NRN Colorado, and other guests provided their solidarity to end the caste based discrimination.